Lea aquí sobre el seminario web sobre la Objeción de Conciencia al Servicio Militar que se llevará a cabo en inglés y español el 3 de febrero de 2021 y regístrese aquí.

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IFOR-International Fellowship of Reconciliation, together with QUNO-Quaker United Nations Office and WRI-War Resisters’ International, is pleased to invite you to:


A short webinar series to learn from each other about different campaign tools, find out what has worked for others, share what you have learned from your actions and discuss what else is needed. 

The webinar series will include case studies from campaigns for CO around the world and address different topics such as: strategic litigation, UN human rights system, public awareness and international solidarity.

The aim of this webinar series is to provide an opportunity to share skills and lessons learned; build stronger connection and solidarity and learn how to best collaborate globally and locally.

IFOR, QUNO and WRI have a long history in campaigning for the Right to Conscientious Objection. Many of their members have been and are COs themselves.

They partner together and perform specific work on this field. For instance, IFOR addresses CO at the UN reporting on country situations at the Human Rights Council and Human Rights Committee and assist Cos in advocacy initiatives; QUNO collaborates in the UN advocacy and works on the international standards; WRI provides CO alerts and focuses on individual cases.

IFOR-International Fellowship of Reconciliation, together with QUNO-Quaker United Nations Office and WRI-War Resisters’ International, is pleased to invite you to the second webinar of the series "Campaigning for Conscientious Objection to military service"

This second webinar will take place on February 24th at 14:00 CET and is about "UN HUMAN RIGHTS SYSTEM".

It will focus on the UN human rights system and the different tools available to civil society to support the right to conscientious objection to military service.

  • Laurel Townhead, Quaker United Nations Office, Representative for Human Rights and Refugees

    Laurel Townhead will give us an overview on international standards regarding the right to conscientious objection to military service and will provide an overview of the UN system, detailing useful tools for COs.

  • Leigh Toomey, Chair of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

    Conscientious objectors continue to be imprisoned, arrested or kept in detention in many countries today. Leigh Toomey, Chair of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, will explain more about the Working Group.

  • Georgios Karatzas, Conscientious objector and researcher from Greece

    Georgios Karatzas has collaborated with various organisations on the issue of conscientious objection, including Amnesty International, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, IFOR  and WRI. He will present the work done within the UN system to advocacy for COs in Greece.

The event will be run in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

The event will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes including Q&A in the end. The webinar will offer a 30-minute forum at the end for exchanging and networking among participants.

The topic of this webinar is a very relevant one and will also help to get an understanding of one of the major areas of work of IFOR at the international level.

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Come and Participate!!

You can register here
and get the link to connect on the 24th and follow the webinar in both English and Spanish:

There is a Facebook event which you can share here.

