
Joint statement on the protection of Russian and Belarusian conscientious objectors in the EU

On 16 February 2023, in the resolutionOne year of Russia’s invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine’, the EU Parliament demanded that Member States provide protection for conscientious objectors and deserters fleeing Belarus, Russia and occupied Ukraine. However, this is not guaranteed in most Member States. 

With very few exceptions, Russians refusing to fight in Ukraine are finding it impossible to get humanitarian visas from EU Member State embassies in places like Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia where they can travel without an international passport. Often they are told to go back to Russia to apply at the embassies there, despite their safety being at risk in those countries. In Lithuania, those fleeing military service in Belarus often find themselves under threat of deportation. This despite the real risk of intimidation, arrest or imprisonment, especially for those who leave military service. 

Russian deserter Sasha (name changed) describes his situation as follows:

I was forcibly conscripted and sent to the front. I did not want to participate in the bloody russian invasion of Ukraine and take part in killing innocent people. From the first day of mobilization I was looking for a way to escape from my military unit and leave russian army.

(…) I believed I would find protection in Europe, but so far it wasn’t the case. I fled to France via Armenia and Croatia. However, after a few months, I’ve received an order to move back to Croatia. This country, in most cases, does not grant asylum to russian citizens. I fear that from there, I could be deported to Bosnia and then to russia. 

Meanwhile, Civil Society Organisations that help those refusing to fight find themselves labelled as ‘foreign agents’.

We call on the European Parliament to reiterate its demand to Member States to provide protection for those who are at risk because they refuse to fight, in line with UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection. We ask Member States to offer humanitarian visas to those who refuse to fight, and thus exercise the human right to conscientious objection to military service, whether they refuse conscription or make that decision while in training, in service or as reserves.

Signed by:

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA)

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO)

German Peace Society – United War Resisters

Un Ponte Per ETS (UPP)

Pax Christi International

Connection e.V.

War Resisters’ International (WRI)

International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) 



Reflection on the Present Situation

Wi'am, the Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center, shares with us its reflection on the present situation. Zoughbi Zoughbi, president of IFOR, is the founder and the director of this center based in Bethlehem

Photo Wiam


In Genesis 1:27, humankind  is made in God’s image.  In Genesis 2:7, God has breathed life into God’s image, giving life to people. Whether from a spiritual or secular foundation, we believe that all life is sacred, human, and otherwise, and that all life and by the very giving of life, has an equitable right to life, happiness, and dignity. 

Life’s sacredness, however, is neither afforded nor recognized in warfare and violent conflict.  On October 7th, the world was horrified at the bloodshed and loss of life in Israel/Palestine, and rightfully so, as any preventable loss of life is a travesty and tragedy. The actions committed that weekend have been cluttered with a series of misinformation and disinformation meant to mar understanding and pacify any voices of dissent at the ensuing gross violations of human rights, dehumanization, and genocidal practices that followed.

It is important to remember that the events of Oct. 7th did not happen in a vacuum, and the positing of these events as the beginning of a war serves to ignore and deflect from the years of apartheid occupation and dehumanization that Palestinians in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and especially, in the blockaded Gaza Strip and in Israel proper have experienced at the hands of the militarized settler colonial project of Israel. To add insult to injury, these unjust practices and gross violations of human right have enjoyed support and even impunity through the largely socially militarized and industrial military complexes of the Global North and West, including  that of the Canadian government. 

The acts of a few, fueled by their unrecognized grievances, continued oppression, and desperation has been posited and framed in terms of ‘terrorism’ to quell any attempts of contextualization, and to deposit and present these groups internationally as a monolith, and one that is inherently violent, marked by savagery and backwardness, in alignment with historical colonial troupes and practices. While at the same time, the well-funded, technologically advanced military’s devastation of over 34,000 Palestinian lives, including that of over 14,000 children is posited as ‘self-defense’. The sheer destructive practice since Oct. 7th has resulted in well over 80,000 injuries,  the displacement of 2.2 million Palestinians, the collapse of their healthcare systems, and the destruction and injury of civilians and institutional infrastructures, including universities, mosques, and churches. 

These horrific actions make us question where the sacred human may be located in the Gaza Strip. Do they lay under the rebel, still undiscovered, or in the mass graves with no names, have they been forgotten with the effective extermination of the entire family tree, or are they one of the 19,000 orphaned children left alone to survive, have they been lost or deformed by the  hunger or malnutrition, or are they fighting for sleep with the families and people taking refuge in a make-shift tents in attempt to shield from the weather forecasts, and the deafening  promises of death raining down all around them? Or is this sacred human much like the silent tree in the forest, hidden and felled with no one willing to witness as the abducted Palestinian prisoners, yet to be accounted for?  And beyond their location, where will these sacred lives find refuge? Will the surviving people flee to Egypt like the Holy family, and if so, will they ever be able to find passage back, and what is to remain of all that they were, and were?  

As words lose their meaning in the backdrop of the unfathomable misery and pain, we remember that we have been here before, and we also remember that we are not alone. We have been here before, the surfacing eyes of forcefully emaciated persons staring into the void, looking for signs of hope, waiting to feel the winds of change upon them, as they continue to invite the world’s gaze, in hopes that it may recognize them, to see them as humans, brothers, sisters, and persons worthy of life. We have been here before and are here elsewhere, in the DRC, in Yemen, in the Sudan’s, Haiti, Ukraine, and all around and amongst us, moved to the periphery, disenfranchised, hungry, homeless, unemployed, and incarcerated. Our liberties stripped away, and our sacredness forgotten and neglected, buried  in fear politics that utilize complex and deeply pervasive systemic practices of oppression.


Yet, we have not only failed to do so, but have supported the development of more sophisticated tools of destruction.  What of assault rifles and tanks, of missiles and  rockets, shall they be turned into crutches, gravestones, and homes for the disenfranchised, or shall we continue to allow them to messenger death and destruction!

As the land dries up, the moisture collects, polluted with sadness to water the land with tears, where they lay.  There is another way! There are OTHER ways, less destructive, less violent, and less dehumanizing, ways that do not force symphonies of sadness into our hearts, but instead bridge the gaps, and present the sacredness again, so that it may thrive, coexist, and live side by side.  The sacred being fully appeared, as our weapons and tools of destruction replaced, disappear. 

Where is our sacredness and will it once again appear? The system names itself too great, too distant, or strong, but this system is what we make, and through silence perform supportive song. 

So let us speak up and stand for all that we believe and wish.  Let us call upon the sacredness of those who serve.  Let us call for a lasting ceasefire, and cessation of war. Let us support and prioritize the provision of all that sustains life, and let us call for the release of all hostages and prisoners.  Let us ring free Gaza, free Palestine and free all!

To call for the liberation of the Palestinians and cessation of war, is to liberate both Israeli and Palestinian from the dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, respectfully, which is upheld by blind-international support and impunity and strengthened through industrial-military linkages.  To liberate us from this cycle of violence is to afford all involved a real opportunity towards just reconciliation and healing.  It is to offer all who dwell in the bloodied ‘holy-land’ a chance to build a sustainable positive-peace, encompassing security at the meaningless cost of national and political interests and an oppressive system, instead of at the costly life and livelihood of the Palestinian. It is to affirm globally that no one ever could or does deserve colonization, that no one could or ever will deserve occupation, and that no one ever could or should deserve genocide. It is to stand firm and strong and affirm the unalienable right to life for all, understanding that NEVER AGAIN means now and includes everyone!

Finally, to effectively work towards a ceasefire and an end to occupation, is to expand our table and enrichen our lives, it is to  afford and recognize in each other our inherent sacredness, which reflect a greater image of God than the greatest of which our divisions could ever hold. A greater, more just, and complete image of life, accessible to ALL that live and lives. 

Wiam’s website:



Belarusian conscientious objectors in danger in the EU

French below

Conscientious objectors Vitali Dvarashyn and Mikita Sviryd

are under threat of deportation to Belarus by Lithuania

The undersigned organizations are genuinely concerned by the threat of the Lithuanian authorities to immediately deport the Belarusian conscientious objector Vitali Dvarashyn and deserter Mikita Sviryd to Belarus where they are at risk of persecution, imprisonment, and death penalty. We demand immediate action from the Lithuanian authorities to prevent the deportation of conscientious objectors back to Belarus and grant asylum in Lithuania where they have been seeking protection.

Belarusian conscientious objector Vitali Dvarashyn, as other Belarusian asylum seekers in Lithuania, has been declared “a threat to national security in Lithuania” in 2023 after seven years of residence permit in the country. He consequently suffered solitary confinement in a refugee camp and has been denied asylum on May 29, 2024 with the claim that he would not be in danger in Belarus. On June 13, 2024 he escaped his arrest and the risk of immediate deportation and went into hiding out of terror and fear.

Belarusian deserter Mikita Sviryd has been denied asylum on November 20, 2023 and although he appealed, as Vitali did, he was not allowed to present in a hearing his case which is of serious concern because of the reintroduction of the death penalty in Belarus. He is thus desperately looking for ways to protect his life.

We urge the Lithuanian Authorities to prevent the deportation of Vitali Davarshyn and Mikita Svyrid -and any other deserter, draft evader and refuser- to Belarus by all means and to provide adequate protection to them.

As reported by the UN Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Ms. Anaïs Marin, at the last UN Human Rights Council, the situation of human rights in Belarus is very alarming and thus is not a safe country for conscientious objectors, deserters, and war resisters.

The UN Special rapporteur has also highlighted that “the Government [of Belarus] continues to actively support the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine”.

We are alarmed that such information is not taken in account by the Lithuanian authorities which uphold the conviction that it is safe for deserters and conscientious objectors to return to Belarus. “This is not true”, explains Olga Karatch from the International Centre for Civil Initiatives Our House (Nash Dom), “Vitali Dvarashyn and Mikita Svyrid face persecution and imprisonment if they are forcibl returned to Belarus. For deserters like Mikita, even the death penalty is legal. This has to be prevented by all means.”

Additionally, we are deeply concerned to read that the Lithuanian Migration Department does not consider relevant the reporting from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Belarus.

The criminal liability for evading military conscription, the continuous violations of the human right to conscientious objection to military service, and the reintroduction of the death penalty for deserters, are strong evidence that Belarus is not a safe country for conscientious objectors.

The undersigned organizations, therefore, call on Lithuania to immediately prevent the deportation of Belarusian deserters and conscientious objectors and to provide adequate protection to them.

As highlighted in the UNHCR Guidelines on International protection, conscientious objectors to military service are eligible for refugee status if they are at risk of persecution in their own country and this fully apply to Belarusian conscientious objectors.

The right to conscientious objection to military service is a human right inherent to the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (also present in the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 10 – Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion). It is also worth reminding that in Belarus there is a high risk of recruitment and mobilization in support of the war of aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine which constitutes a violation of international law.

The undersigned organizations urge Lithuania and the other members of the European Union to provide full protection to conscientious objectors and deserters who flee from Belarus where they are persecuted and their right to conscientious objection is not recognized, and call on the European institutions to ensure the full implementation of the right to conscientious objection to military service in all its member states.


For additional details on the individual cases mentioned:

Vitali Dvarashyn:

Mikita Sviryd:

For more information and interviews please contact:

Olga Karach, head of the International Center for Civil Initiatives Our House:

Signatory organizations:

• Our House

• Connection e.V.

• European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO)

• International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)

• War Resisters’ International (WRI)

• Arbeitsstelle Frieden und Umwelt der Evangelischen Kirche der Pfalz (Protestantische

Landeskirche) – Germany

• Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto - The Finnish Union of Conscientious Objectors (AKL) – Finland

• Association of Greek Conscientious Objectors – Greece

• Begegnungszentrum für adktive Gewaltlosigkeit – Austria

• Belgian Coalition Stop depleted uranium weapons – Belgium

• BOCS Civilization Planning Foundation – Hungary

• Center for Global Nonkilling – Switzerland

• Center on Conscience & War – USA

• Centre pour l'Action Non-violente – Switzerland

• Centro Studi Sereno Regis – Italy

• Conscientious Objection Watch – Turkey

• Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK) –


• Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig-Holstein e.V. – Germany

• Forum gewerkschaftliche Linke Berlin – Germany

• Giuristi Democratici – Italy

• Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (IDK) – Germany

• Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, österreichischer Zweig – Austria

• Kerk en Vrede – The Netherlands

• Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie e.V. – Germany

• Leuven Peace Movement – Belgium

• Mouvement international de la Réconciliation – France

• Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione – Italy

• Pax Christi Flanders – Belgium

• Peace Tax International (CPTI) – UK

• Pressenza International

• Sudanese Organization for Nonviolence and Development (SONAD) – Sudan

• Un Ponte Per – Italy

• Vrede vzw – Belgium

• Vredesactie – Belgium

Les objecteurs de conscience Vitali Dvarashyn et Mikita Sviryd

sont menacés d'expulsion vers la Biélorussie par la Lituanie


Les organisations soussignées sont sincèrement préoccupées par la menace des autorités lituaniennes d'expulser immédiatement l'objecteur de conscience biélorusse Vitali Dvarashyn et le déserteur Mikita Sviryd vers la Biélorussie où ils risquent d'être persécutés, emprisonnés et condamnés à la peine de mort. Nous demandons aux autorités lituaniennes d'agir immédiatement pour empêcher l'expulsion des objecteurs de conscience vers la Biélorussie et de leur accorder l'asile en Lituanie, où ils ont cherché protection.

L'objecteur de conscience biélorusse Vitali Dvarashyn, comme d'autres demandeurs d'asile biélorusses en Lituanie, a été déclaré « menace pour la sécurité nationale en Lituanie » en 2023 alors qu’il a reçu un permis de séjour de 7 ans dans le pays. Il a donc été placé en isolement dans un camp de réfugiés et s'est vu refuser l'asile le 29 mai 2024 au motif qu'il ne serait pas en danger en Biélorussie. Le 13 juin 2024, pour échapper à une éventuelle arrestation et au risque d'expulsion immédiate, il s’est caché.

Le déserteur biélorusse Mikita Sviryd s'est vu refuser l'asile le 20 novembre 2023 et bien qu'il ait fait appel, comme Vitali, il n'a pas été autorisé à présenter son cas lors d'une audience, ce qui est très préoccupant en raison de la réintroduction de la peine de mort en Biélorussie. Il cherche donc désespérément des moyens de protéger sa vie.

Nous demandons instamment aux autorités lituaniennes d'empêcher par tous les moyens l'expulsion de Vitali Davarshyn et de Mikita Svyrid - et de tout autre déserteur, évadé et réfractaire - vers la Biélorussie, et de leur fournir une protection adéquate.

Comme l'a indiqué le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur la situation des droits de l'homme en Biélorussie, Mme Anaïs Marin, lors du dernier Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies, la situation des droits de l'homme en Biélorussie est très alarmante et ce pays n'est donc pas sûr pour les objecteurs de conscience, les déserteurs et les résistants à la guerre. 

Le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies a également souligné que « le gouvernement [de Biélorussie] continue de soutenir activement l'agression militaire de la Fédération de Russie contre l'Ukraine ».

Nous sommes alarmés par le fait que ces informations ne sont pas prises en compte par les autorités lituaniennes, qui restent convaincues que les déserteurs et les objecteurs de conscience peuvent retourner en Biélorussie en toute sécurité. « Ce n'est pas vrai », explique Olga Karatch du Centre international d'initiatives civiles Our House (Nash Dom), Vitali Dvarashyn et Mikita Svyrid risquent d'être persécutés et emprisonnés s'ils sont renvoyés de force en Biélorussie. Pour les déserteurs comme Mikita, la peine de mort est même légale. Il faut empêcher cela par tous les moyens. »

En outre, nous sommes profondément inquiets de lire que le département lituanien des migrations ne considère pas comme pertinent le rapport du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme sur la situation des droits de l'homme en Biélorussie.

Les peines prévues pour s'être soustrait à la conscription militaire, les violations continues du droit à l'objection de conscience au service militaire et la réintroduction de la peine de mort pour les déserteurs sont autant de preuves que la Biélorussie n'est pas un pays sûr pour les objecteurs de conscience.

Les organisations soussignées appellent donc la Lituanie à empêcher immédiatement l'expulsion des déserteurs et objecteurs de conscience biélorusses et à leur fournir une protection adéquate.

Comme le soulignent les principes directeurs du HCR sur la protection internationale, les objecteurs de conscience au service militaire peuvent prétendre au statut de réfugié s'ils risquent d'être persécutés dans leur propre pays, ce qui s'applique pleinement aux objecteurs de conscience biélorusses.

Le droit à l'objection de conscience au service militaire est un droit de l'homme inhérent au droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion (également présent dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne, article 10 - Liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion). Il convient également de rappeler qu'il existe en Biélorussie un risque élevé de recrutement et de mobilisation en faveur de la guerre d'agression de la Fédération de Russie en Ukraine, ce qui constitue une violation du droit international.

Les organisations soussignées demandent instamment à la Lituanie et aux autres membres de l'Union européenne de fournir une protection totale aux objecteurs de conscience et aux déserteurs qui fuient la Biélorussie où ils sont persécutés et où leur droit à l'objection de conscience n'est pas reconnu, et appellent les institutions européennes à garantir la pleine mise en œuvre du droit à l'objection de conscience au service militaire dans tous ses États membres.

Pour plus de détails sur les cas individuels mentionnés :

Vitali Dvarashyn:

Mikita Sviryd:

For more information and interviews please contact:

Olga Karach, directrice de l’International Center for Civil Initiatives Our House:

Signatory organizations:

• Our House

• Connection e.V.

• European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO)

• International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)

• War Resisters’ International (WRI)

• Arbeitsstelle Frieden und Umwelt der Evangelischen Kirche der Pfalz (Protestantische

Landeskirche) – Allemagne

• Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto - The Finnish Union of Conscientious Objectors (AKL) – Finlande

• Association of Greek Conscientious Objectors – Grèce

• Begegnungszentrum für adktive Gewaltlosigkeit – Autriche

• Belgian Coalition Stop depleted uranium weapons – Belgique

• BOCS Civilization Planning Foundation – Hongrie

• Center for Global Nonkilling – Suisse

• Center on Conscience & War – États-Unis

• Centre pour l'Action Non-violente – Suisse

• Centro Studi Sereno Regis – Italie

• Conscientious Objection Watch – Turquie

• Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK) –


• Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig-Holstein e.V. – Allemagne

• Forum gewerkschaftliche Linke Berlin – Allemagne

• Giuristi Democratici – Italie

• Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (IDK) – Allemagne

• Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, österreichischer Zweig – Autriche

• Kerk en Vrede – Pays-Bas

• Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie e.V. – Allemagne

• Leuven Peace Movement – Belgique

• Mouvement international de la Réconciliation – France

• Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione – Italie

• Pax Christi Flanders – Belgique

• Peace Tax International (CPTI) – Royauma-Uni

• Pressenza International

• Sudanese Organization for Nonviolence and Development (SONAD) – Soudan

• Un Ponte Per – Italie

• Vrede vzw – Belgique

• Vredesactie – Belgique




Support to Peace Activist Olga Karatch Sentenced to Prison in Belarus

French below

Joint Press Release

Peace Activist Olga Karatch Was Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison Due to Her Human Rights Activities

Belarus must stop prosecuting peace activists and conscientious objectors! 

The European Bureau for Conscientious ObjectionWar Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), and Connection e.V.  condemn the 12-year prison sentence and a fine of 170,000 Euros imposed on EBCO board member Olga Karatch in her recent trial in Belarus. 

On July 8, 2024, Brest Regional Court announced the verdict in the case of human rights defender Olga Karach, head of the International Center for civil initiatives “Our House” (Nash Dom). Olga Karatch is accused of “conspiracy to seize power by unconstitutional means“ (part 1 of Article 357 of the Belarusian Criminal Code); "promotion of extremist activity" (part 1 and part 2 of Article 361-4 of the Belarusian Criminal Code); "discrediting the Republic of Belarus" (Article 369-1 of the Criminal Code). Together with her, Veranika Tsepkala, Yauhen Vilski, Anatoli Kotau and Vadzim Dzmitrenak received 12 years in prison each and fines.

The decision announced on July 8 in the Brest Regional Court creates an extremely worrying situation for the security of Olga Karatch and her organization International Center for Civil Initiatives "Our House" (Nash Dom), which supports war resisters and conscientious objectors in Belarus as part of the #ObjectWarCampaign network. This decision of the court reinforces the threat to the security of peace activists and human rights defenders in Belarus. This concerning situation has also been highlighted last week by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, during her report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. 

Karatch, through her organization 'Our House', carries out numerous activities defending human rights and advocating the right to conscientious objection to military service in Belarus. She is also supporting Belarusian citizens who have fled to other countries to avoid military service in Belarus and possible military activities in support of the illegal Russian aggression to Ukraine. Because of these activities she has been subject to multiple prosecutions and even the risk of deportation from Lithuania where she is currently seeking protection. Apart from the decision announced on July 8, she is also waiting for the decisions in other two cases in which she is tried. Karach stated that she expects death penalty or 25 years in prison in one of these cases. This clearly shows the risks that Belarusian human rights defenders are exposed to. 

Olga Karatch is being threatened, tried and punished for her peace work and it is simply unacceptable! The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), and Connection e.V. stand in solidarity with the human rights defender Olga Karatch and will continue to follow her case closely. 

9 July 2024

Press release of "Our House" Nash Dom, WHRD Olga Karatch sentenced to 12 years in prison in absentia in Belarus :

For more information and interviews please contact: 
Olga Karach, Olga Karatch, head of the International Center for civil initiatives “Our House”,

Communiqué de presse

La militante pour la paix Olga Karatch condamnée à 12 ans de prison en Biélorussie pour ses actions en faveur des droits de l’Homme

La Biélorussie doit cesser de poursuivre les militants pour la paix et les objecteurs de conscience !

   Le Bureau européen de l’objection de conscience (BEOC), l’Internationale des Résistant(e)s à la Guerre (WRI), le Mouvement international de la réconciliation (IFOR) et Connection e.V. condamnent la peine de 12 ans de prison ainsi que d’une amende de 170 000 euros infligées à Olga Karach, membre du conseil d'administration de l'EBCO, lors de son récent procès en Biélorussie.

Le 8 juillet 2024, le tribunal de grande instance de Brest a annoncé le verdict dans l'affaire de la défenseuse des droits humains Olga Karatch, directrice du Centre international d’initiatives civiles "Our House" (Nash Dom). Olga Karach est accusée de "conspiration en vue de la prise de pouvoir par des moyens inconstitutionnels" (partie 1 de l'article 357 du code pénal biélorusse) ; "promotion d'activités extrémistes" (partie 1 et partie 2 de l'article 361-4 du code pénal biélorusse) ; "discrédit de la République de Biélorussie" (article 369-1 du code pénal). Veranika Tsepkala, Yauhen Vilski, Anatoli Kotau et Vadzim Dzmitrenak ont été condamnés à 12 ans de prison chacun ainsi qu’à des amendes.

La décision annoncée le 8 juillet par tribunal de grande instance de Brest constitue une situation extrêmement préoccupante pour la sécurité d'Olga Karatch tout comme pour celle de son organisation International Center for Civil Initiatives "Our House" (Nash Dom), qui, dans le cadre du réseau #ObjectWarCampaign, soutient les résistants de guerre et les objecteurs de conscience en Biélorussie. Cette décision du tribunal renforce la menace qui pèse sur la sécurité des militant.e.s pacifistes et des défenseuses et défenseurs des droits humains en Biélorussie. Cette préoccupante situation a également été soulignée la semaine dernière par le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur l’état des droits humains en Biélorussie lors de son rapport au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies à Genève.

Olga Karatch, par l'intermédiaire de son organisation "Our House", exerce en Biélorussie un grand nombre d’actions de défense des droits humains et du droit à l'objection de conscience au service militaire. Elle soutient également les citoyens biélorusses qui se sont réfugiés dans d'autres pays pour éviter le service militaire en Biélorussie tout comme d'éventuelles activités militaires en soutien à l'agression illégale de la Russie contre l'Ukraine. En raison de ces activités, elle a fait l'objet de multiples poursuites et risque même d'être expulsée de Lituanie, pays dans lequel elle demande actuellement protection. Outre la décision annoncée le 8 juillet, elle attend également les décisions dans les deux autres affaires dans lesquelles elle est jugée. Olga Karatch a déclaré qu'elle s'attendait à la peine de mort ou à 25 ans d’emprisonnement dans l'une de ces affaires. Ceci témoigne clairement des risques auxquels sont exposés les défenseuses et défenseurs des droits de humains biélorusses.

Olga Karatch se voit menacée, jugée et punie pour son travail en faveur de la paix ce qui est tout simplement inacceptable !

Le Bureau européen pour l'objection de conscience (EBCO), War Resisters' International (WRI), le Mouvement international de la réconciliation (IFOR) et Connection e.V. se déclarent solidaires de la défenseuse des droits humains Olga Karatch et continueront à suivre son cas de près.

Plus d’informations :

Communiqué de presse de "Our House" Nash Dom, WHRD Olga Karatch condamnée à 12 ans de prison par contumace en Biélorussie :

Pour plus d’information et interviewss, veuillez contacter :

Olga Karatch, directrice du Centre international pour les initiatives civiles "Our House” :


Ukraine: solidarity with Yurii Sheliazhenko


Ukraine: solidarity with Yurii Sheliazhenko


Ukraine: Stop the criminalization of peace and human rights speech and the prosecution of Yurii Sheliazhenko, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

The undersigned organizations express their deep disappointment and grave concerns about the continuing harassment of peace activists and conscientious objectors, including the obviously arbitrary prosecution of Yurii Sheliazhenko, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and EBCO Board member, whose trial is set on 11 June 2024 at 14:15 Kyiv time, in the Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv City (case No 757/16536/24-k, judge Oleg Bilotserkivets) and could result in jail sentence up to five years.

Yurii Sheliazhenko suffered a search of his apartment on 3rd August 2023 and has since been living under repeatedly extended house arrest while being investigated by the Ukrainian Security Service. The only allegation that have so far been made public against him is that a September 2022 statement (“Peace agenda for Ukraine and the World”) which he had issued in the name of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement ”justified Russian aggression”, despite the fact that it explicitly condemned the invasion and all sorts of war. His computer and smartphone were seized, and, despite a Court ruling, have not been returned. The ulterior objective of this persecution of a pacifist appears to be disrupting his advocacy for the right to refuse to kill and his legal assistance to conscientious objectors. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, reacting to a letter of Security Service of Ukraine (the Security Service of Ukraine also published a press release calling Yurii “enemy’s agitator”), has asked the Kyiv Region Administrative Court to prohibit and dissolve the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, member organization of both EBCO and WRI.

The undersigned organisations urge the European Union (EU) to ensure that recognition and the full implementation of the right to conscientious objection, as a vital safeguard of democratic values and principles in time of national emergency caused by Russian aggression, be considered a necessary condition of Ukraine's accession to the EU during forthcoming negotiations. The right to conscientious objection is recognised, amongst others, in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 10 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion).

The undersigned organisations call on Ukraine to immediately drop all charges against Yurii Sheliazhenko and restore his seized personal items. We also call for the prompt reversion of the suspension of the human right to conscientious objection in the country, full freedom of expression for human rights defenders, and the end of persecution against conscientious objectors to military service: the release of prisoner of conscience Dmytro Zelinsky, the honourable discharge of Andrii Vyshnevetsky, and the acquittal of Vitaly Alekseenko and Mykhailo Yavorsky. We also call upon Ukraine to lift the prohibition on all men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country and other conscription enforcement practices incompatible with Ukraine’s human rights obligations, including arbitrary detentions of conscripts and the requirement of military registration as a prerequisite for the legality of any civil acts such as education, employment, marriage, social security, registration of the place of residence, etc. The organisations express grave concern regarding the new legislation imposing severe punishments on "draft evaders" without any exception for conscientious objectors, mobilization policies demanding universal military registration for all men aged 18-60 without exception for conscientious objectors, under threat of severe fines and forced transportation to military recruitment centres. We welcome efforts of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets who mentioned in his 2023 annual report the absence of procedures of application for alternative non-military service under martial law and called on the members of parliament to remedy. We regret that these efforts were not successful and the gap which violates the Constitution of Ukraine, ICCPR and ECHR given that currently in Ukraine there are still no procedures of application for a status of conscientious objector.

We urge Ukraine to respect the human right to freedom of expression and refrain from criminalizing speech, especially speech that advocates for peace, as in the case of Yurii Sheliazhenko who is standing for peace and human rights and calling for the end of the armed conflict and thus war atrocities.

At the same time the organisations call on Russia to immediately and unconditionally release all those hundreds of soldiers and mobilised civilians who object to engage in the war and are illegally detained in a number of centres in Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. Russian authorities are reportedly using threats, psychological abuse and torture to force those detained to return to the front.

The organisations call on both Russia and Ukraine to safeguard the right to conscientious objection to military service, including in wartime, fully complying with the European and international standards, amongst others the standards set by the European Court of Human Rights. The right to conscientious objection to military service is inherent in the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, guaranteed under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is non-derogable even in a time of public emergency, as stated in Article 4(2) of ICCPR.

The organisations strongly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and call on all soldiers not to participate in hostilities and on all recruits to refuse military service. They denounce all the cases of forced and even violent recruitment to the armies of both sides, as well as all the cases of persecution of conscientious objectors, deserters and non-violent anti-war protestors. They urge EU and all countries to work for peace, commit to diplomacy and negotiations, ensure human rights protection and grant asylum and visas to those who object the war.

 7 June 2024

Signatory organizations:

  • European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO)

  • International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)

  • War Resisters’ International (WRI)

  • Connection e.V.

  • Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

  • Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione (MIR Italy)

  • Pressenza - Italy

  • International Centre of civil initiatives "Our House" - Belarus

  • Giuristi democratici - Italy

  • Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, österreichischer Zweig (FOR Austria)

  • The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FoR England and Scotland)

  • Centre for peace research and peace education, University of Klagenfurt - Austria

  • Center on Conscience & War – USA

  • Anglican Pacifist Fellowship - UK

  • Pax Christi Italia

  • Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb - Community for Social Justice, Peace and Ecology e.V.

  • BOCS Civilization Planning Foundation - Hungary

  • Vrede vzw – Belgium

  • Peace & Justice – Scotland

  • Peace and Development Foundation-Africa (PDF-Africa) Uganda

  • Un Ponte per - Italy

  • Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen(IDK)

  • Kerk en Vrede – The Netherlands

  • Vredesactie - Belgium

  • Stop Wapenhandel – The Netherlands

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden (EAK) – Germany

  • Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst für den Frieden (AGDF) – Germany

  • International Peace Bureau (IPB)

  • Conscientious Objection Watch – Turkey

  • Peace Institute – Slovenia

  • Mouvement International de la Réconciliation (MIR France)

  • Pax Christi Germany

  • IFOR - MIR – Switzerland

  • Association of Conscientious Objectors – Greece

  • Pax Christi Flanders

  • FOR Zimbabwe



May 15, 2024 - International Day of Conscientious Objection


May 15, 2024 - International Day of Conscientious Objection

May 15, 2024: International Day of Conscientious Objection and publication of the EBCO Annual report

IFOR celebrates the International Day of Conscientious Objection (May 15, 2024)

Conscientious objection is a human right. Conscientious objectors to military service need asylum

War is a crime against humanity.

Wars are currently being waged in various countries, at the expense of the respective populations, with thousands of deaths and widespread destruction. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is now in its third year. Israel has been waging a war in Gaza since the Hamas attack. Turkey is repeatedly deploying military forces in neighbouring states in the Kurdish regions. The situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains tense. In Sudan, Yemen and Myanmar, there are wars that are in no way inferior to the aforementioned wars in terms of the number of victims and cruelty, but which receive less public attention.

In all these countries, there are people who refuse to go to war. They do not want to kill other people and do not want to die in this war. Soldiers on the front line want to lay down their weapons in the face of horror. They all face repression and prison sentences for doing so. But: conscientious objection is an internationally recognised human right!

We see conscientious objection as an important building block in overcoming war, death and destruction. We demand full respect for the human right to conscientious objection, especially in times of war. We demand protection and asylum for persecuted conscientious objectors and opponents of war.

We demand from governments worldwide: Stop the persecution of conscientious objectors and deserters immediately! Release imprisoned opponents of war. Recognise the inalienable human right to conscientious objection!

We demand from the European Union member states: Open the borders! Give opponents of war the opportunity to enter the European Union! Protect conscientious objectors and deserters and give them asylum!

To this end, various rallies and demonstrations are organized by different organizations in front of government institutions of warring states, vigils in front of monuments to deserters and other creative actions at various locations during the week of 15 May, the “International Day of Conscientious Objection” – from 13 to 19 May 2024. We emphasise: Conscientious objection is a human right!

To see the various actions: Weeks of action to the International Day of Conscientious Objection, May 15, 2024

Publication of the EBCO Annual report

The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection  (EBCO) published today, May 15th, its Annual Report “Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe 2023/24”

To read the report: EBCO Annual report




Call to Action Week for Conscientious Objectors in December 2023

Protection and asylum for all from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who refuse military service

IFOR is joining more than 30 organisations from Europe in calling for weeks of action to protect all those who refuse military service in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine from December 4, 2023 to the International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2023 states:

War is a crime against humanity. We condemn Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, which is contrary to international law and has already led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries and millions of refugees.

Many people from Russia and Belarus, but also from Ukraine, who are threatened with military service, try to evade it: They do not want to kill other people and they do not want to die in this war. Soldiers at the front want to lay down their weapons in the face of the horror. They all face repression and imprisonment, in Belarus even the death penalty. But: Conscientious objection is an internationally recognized human right!

  • We demand from the governments of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine: Stop the persecution of conscientious objectors and deserters immediately!

  • We demand from the EU: Open the borders! Give opponents of war the option to enter the European Union! Protect conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and give them asylum!

For this purpose, we encourage you to organize and join rallies and demonstrations in front of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian embassies as well as EU representations, vigils in front of deserter monuments and other creative actions at different locations in the week before the “International Human Rights Day” – from December 4 to 10, 2023. In doing so, we emphasize: conscientious objection is a human right!



IFOR endorses Joint Interfaith Statement to the TPNW 2MSP

IFOR ensdorses the following Joint Interfaith Statement to the Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Descargar la declaración conjunta en español abajo

We gather as people of faith – religious leaders, practitioners, believers of many different traditions – to affirm with one voice our opposition to nuclear weapons and our absolute belief that a world without nuclear weapons is not only possible but that a nuclear-free future is already being made.

We take great joy in the existence of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and take this occasion of the Second Meeting of States Parties to celebrate how the TPNW and its supporters worldwide have found the courage, determination and imagination to work for a world of justice and equality.

We live on a beautiful planet with the splendor of forests, mountains, rivers and oceans that we share with other creatures. Yet this planet and all who dwell here are threatened by the terror of nuclear weapons. It is our responsibility as people of faith to redirect the moral outrage of the world towards the re-making of that which is good. In this light, we celebrate the recognition of the human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment by the UN General Assembly last year, and send our prayers for successful outcomes of COP28, which also starts during the same week as this meeting.

We honor the ancestors who have gone before us – the global hibakusha who suffered the horrors of nuclear weapons testing and use as well as the generations of diplomats, religious leaders, activists, researchers, artists and advocates – who dedicated their lives to making the world a safer place. Being together in this moment, with this landmark piece of international law and with the determination to universalize it, we know that this is only possible because of the work that went before us. At the same time, we are encouraged by the surge in a new generation of young leaders who have the courage, brilliance and hope to carry this work forward into the future. We work with integrity and unfailing determination because we owe so much to both the past and the future.

Our religious traditions are vast and represent many millions of people, each trying to pursue lives of meaning and goodness in a world that has never felt more threatened with catastrophe. Our faith that humanity is meant for peace, wellness, joy and love remains unwavering even as we see with clarity the devastation of the planet and our fellow human beings who are threatened globally by the double violence of climate catastrophe and rampant militarism. Nuclear weapons represent the worst of both of those threats – an evil unleashed upon this beloved planet with the power to wipe out everything that we hold most dear – our water, our air, our land, and each other.

Even as we call on all States to join the TPNW, we take seriously our role as faith communities to denounce nuclear deterrence as a false ideology which violates our most sacred commitments. We not only decry any use of nuclear weapons, we oppose wholeheartedly the preparations for and threats to use nuclear weapons as immoral. We urge States Parties at this meeting to move forward with practical commitments to provide victim assistance and environmental remediation under Articles 6 and 7 of the treaty. We commit to doing our part to care for those members of our community who have suffered the direct impacts of nuclear weapons and to act as good stewards to remediate the land and waters which have been harmed.

We celebrate the inclusivity of the TPNW with its attention towards the intersectional harms of nuclear weapons. Our faith communities take seriously our unique commitments to the Indigenous peoples who have been most affected by these weapons of utter destruction. As our faiths direct us to exercise special love and care for the people who are most marginalized, we recognize in the treaty a meaningful avenue to addressing the violence of the past and committing to a more just future.

As diplomats, policy makers, advocates and activists gather in New York City this week, we know their work is supported by a much larger circle of people around the world who believe that another world without nuclear weapons is possible and who will continue to work, write, march, pray, chant, meditate and speak that new world into being. Nuclear weapons can never provide nourishment for our bodies, courage for our hearts, creativity for our minds or inspiration for our souls. Nuclear weapons can only annihilate, threaten and destroy everything that gives our lives meaning. Nuclear weapons drain financial resources away from addressing poverty, racism, illness and premature death. And yet, we remain resilient and vibrant in the face of their obliteration, refusing to let nuclear ideology also steal our hope, our vision and our boldness in demanding justice and a right to live in peace for all people.

There is so much work to be done. We commit, as people of faith, to working to address the roots of violence in our own religious traditions that have justified nuclear violence or that have chosen to ignore the greed and aggression that undergirds nuclear ideology. We can and will weave together a deepening of inner contemplation and reckoning that strengthens us to confront and survive threats to our collective security. We know that there is no true safety, security and peace for any of us until there is safety, security and peace for all of us.

We recognize the urgency of this moment and what is at stake for all of us – the beloved natural world and the beloved community of humanity. Our fates are intertwined and we cannot ignore the resounding threats that confront us. We feel acute fear and anxiety as an ever-present menace as we contemplate our shared future. This fear is not unique to this moment in time. Let us draw courage from the audacity and vision of past struggles for justice, taking comfort in the wisdom that immense challenges always feel impossible until they are done.

November 2023


This statement has been endorsed by more that 115 organizations (cf. the list in the attached document).

Click here to download the statement in English.

Declaración Conjunta intereligiosa.



IFOR at the TPNW 2MSP in New York

On Monday November 27, during the Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), John KIM, IFOR representative at UN in New York, will participate to a side event on A Call for Justice: Recent Status of Korean Atomic Bomb Victims and the People's Tribunal


Kee-youl Lee, first generation victim

Jeong-soon Han, second generation victim

Hayoung Bak, SPARK

Guest Speakers

Sean Wiliam Conner, Executive Director of IPB

Akira Kawasaki, Executive Committee Member of Peace Boat

John Kim, NGO Rep. to UN for IFOR

Colleen Moore, Church and Society with the United Methodist Church


Outline : 

The US committed an inhumane war crime by dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. One lesser-known fact is that 40,000 Koreans who had been forcibly conscripted as laborers in Japan, lost their lives due to these bombings.

Since then, Korean survivors and their supporters have taken activism to the streets, demanding justice. In 2019, they decided to initiate a People's Tribunal to build international legal grounds and political legitimacy, paving the way for future legal action against the US.

During this event, we will listen to testimonies from Korean atomic bomb victims and provide an update on the current status of the International People’s Tribunal to hold the US accountable for dropping Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We will also screen a short film historicizing the struggles of Korean victims.


Korean Atomic Bomb Victims

Solidarity of Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK)

People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) 

Asia Citizen's Network for Peace
