How We Work


How We Work

The International Secretariat

The IFOR international secretariat in the Netherlands co-ordinates communication among IFOR members, links branches to capacity-building resources and helps co-ordinate international campaigns, delegations and urgent actions.

IFOR has extensive working relationships with like-minded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society initiatives around the world. IFOR’s 100 years of expertise in active nonviolence is recognized and respected by these NGOs and many others.


IFOR's International Coordinating Bodies

Every four years, IFOR member organizations send delegates to an international council that helps determine the shape of IFOR’s work in the years to come. At that council two primary bodies are chosen.


Representative Consultative Committee

The Representative Consultative Committee gives regional and demographic balance in the years following council. The RCC takes on a variety of tasks to help guide the fellowship and assist with coordination and governance.

You can find a list of our board members here.

International Committee

The principle governing body between international Councils. The International Committee (ICom) is responsible for determining the shape of work of the Secretariat and ensuring the overall health of the IFOR community and organization.

You can find a list of our board members here.


Recent News from the Movement


International Programs and Projects


International Programs and Projects

Ongoing Programs and Projects

Conscientious Objection to Military service project

Introduction to the UN program

International Accompaniment

The method of protective accompaniment is known around the world as one strategy of being in solidarity with those whose lives are in harms way. Members of IFOR have played an active role in the development of the methodology over the years and IFOR continues to be among the leading organizations engaged in accompaniment.
The Swedish branch of IFOR has an extensive accompaniment program in several countries.

Learn more about SweFOR's work →

The Fellowship of Reconciliation Peace Presence is an organization dedicated to providing safety, political visibility and solidarity to communities and individuals in Colombia who are working to promote human rights, peace and justice. FORPP developed through support of various branches of IFOR, most notably the branches of the U.S., Austria and working in collaboration with SERPAJ Colombia. FORPP allows individuals of conscience from all countries to apply.

Learn more and support FORPP →

IFOR members were among the initial organizers of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) and many of our branches continue to support this work.

Learn more about EAPPI →

Past Projects and Programs

The Fellowship School

Equipping Youth with Nonviolence

The IFOR Fellowship School was a program created by the International Secretariat in 2012. The vision was to create a means to equip young people committed to social change with training in a variety of skills for nonviolent direct action. People from all over the world were invited to apply. Remarkable young people trained and contributed to the global movement. Fellows learned from expert practitioners while also serving as interns in the IFOR Secretariat.

In 2013 the Fellowship School continued and was based in the headquarters of IFOR’s U.S. Branch in New York. Due to funding challenges the program was been placed on hold. However, IFOR continues to look for opportunities to equip, encourage, and support our members and the broader movement towards a more peaceful and just world. Stay tuned.

International Accompaniment

The method of protective accompaniment is known around the world as one strategy of being in solidarity with those whose lives are in harms way. Members of IFOR have played an active role in the development of the methodology over the years and IFOR continues to be among the leading organizations engaged in accompaniment.
The Swedish branch of IFOR has an extensive accompaniment program in several countries.

Learn more about SweFOR's work →

The Fellowship of Reconciliation Peace Presence is an organization dedicated to providing safety, political visibility and solidarity to communities and individuals in Colombia who are working to promote human rights, peace and justice. FORPP developed through support of various branches of IFOR, most notably the branches of the U.S., Austria and working in collaboration with SERPAJ Colombia. FORPP allows individuals of conscience from all countries to apply.

Learn more and support FORPP →

IFOR members were among the initial organizers of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) and many of our branches continue to support this work.

Learn more about EAPPI →

Women Peacemakers Program

The Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) was originally established in 1997 as a program of IFOR, to support and empower women peace activists worldwide, and to advocate for a gender perspective in nonviolent peacebuilding. The program grew and was a tremendous success, training, and mobilizing thousands of people around the world. Today WPP is it's own organization continuing to do great work. IFOR maintains close ties with WPP and continues to engage and support the important work of empowering women and addressing the intersection of gender and violence. 

Learn more about WPP →


Areas of Work


Areas of Work

Themes of IFOR's Peace Work

At various International Councils the IFOR movement has elevated certain themes as main areas of concern for continued program development. Many branches and groups carry out local projects on these issues and the International Secretariat prioritizes these as areas of support and coordination.  The Secretariat also identifies themes and areas of work are common among IFOR Members. The following areas represent areas of concern either elevated by the movement at an International Council, or represented as common themes or areas of work among branches.


Conscientious Objection


Conscientious Objection

History of Conscientious Objection

The movement for conscientious objection to military service has been at the heart of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation ever since 1914 when our founders refused to participate to the WW I.

Historically, our branches around the world were often the only network of support for those objecting to military service on religious grounds. We collaborated closely with sister organizations, most notably War Resisters' International, to support those objecting on the bases of deeply held convictions that were not religious.


Current Developments

Globally, we have come a long way in establishing an International Human Right to conscientious objection to military service as a human right protected by international law.

IFOR defends this right in close cooperation with different international, regional or local organizations upholding conscientious objectors around the world.

One critical contribution that we made to this effort, with the financial support of the JRCT, was that we maintained many years a consultant who focused primarily on conscientious objection to military service at the United Nations in Geneva.

We are still coordinating closely with War Resisters' International, the Quaker UN Office in Geneva, and the European Bureau of Conscientious Objection (EBCO) to support conscientious objectors around the world and to call attention to the abuse, imprisonment and harassment faced by those who have made the brave decision to refuse military service.

C.O. Resources

A Conscientious Objectors Guide to the International Human Rights System

EBCO Reports

Every Year, IFOR’s representative works with EBCO to publish a report on the status of C.O.

C.O. Alerts from WRI

Statements to the UN Human Rights Council on matters of conscientious objection

Submissions to UN Mechanisms regarding the provisions for conscientious objectors and related matters in UN member States.

C.O. Articles on IFOR's Blog

Conscientious objection alerts and articles from our blog.

For more information and contact, please message us to


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