FOR-USA: interviews with organizers of social movements about the intersection of militarism and climate crisis.

Dear IFOR colleagues & friends,

FOR-USA has conducted several recent interviews with organizers of social movements about the intersection of militarism and climate crisis.

We invite you to consider watching these new videos published this week via our YouTube channel:

* Conversation with Lukasz Firla and Kamaran Osman of Christian Peacemaker Teams - Iraqi Kurdistan (30-minute interview + 12-minute short documentary film): discussing the environmental & social impact of the wars in Iraq and efforts by multinational companies to access land and resources in Kurdistan, with particular focus on community resistance to ExxonMobil

Interview of Leslie Cagan (8 minutes): national organizer of the million-person March for Nuclear Disarmament (1982), the million- People’s Climate March (2013), and past national coordinator of the United for Peace & Justice coalition of 1,000+ groups

Interview of Tom Wakely (4 minutes): military veteran, seminary graduate, past candidate for U.S. Congress from Texas, & climate justice activist

We are also facilitating the publication later this month of a feature article on Waging Nonviolence on this topic in partnership with Veterans For Peace’s Climate Crisis & Militarism Project, which will be a followup story to the COP26 summit.
